The dude who left his MBA

My first meeting with him was quite uncommon. He knocked on the door; I asked for his name and let him in. He told me to keep the door open because he was bringing all his belongings. After getting his belongings to room (which included one unassembled table fan..quite shocking), he just put a bed sheet on his bed and slept without any further discussion. I thought ‘he may be tired’. Later I found out that he came here after long journey of 1 hour in his comfortable car. So basically, he is from Pune, Maharashtra.

We are students of SCMHRD, and the day I met him was the 0th day @ scmhrd i.e. a day before induction. Date was 30th May, 2012. As we didn’t know anyone out here, we used to roam around with roomies during and after induction for initial formalities. This is how the initial interaction and friendship begins.

He is dude as I mentioned. Kind of ladies’ man. We knew each other just for 2 months but become great friends in short span. He was my Gym partner, someone who dragged me to gym.

There are some points which I like and really appreciate about him are Assertiveness in talking and action, respect for others’ ideas and great listening skill.

I came to know about his decision of leaving the college on 31th July. It’s Tuesday night. Time is around 2 o’clock. So technically it’s 1st August. I came back to room after some Finance club work and there was some serious discussion going on between my 2 roommates. I hadn’t paid much attention as we got FCQ (Frequently Conducted Quiz) next day.

Suddenly he asked: ”can I trust you with something?”

Me:”Yaa, of cource.”

He:” I am leaving the college”

Me:” really? Have you talked to your mom and dad?”


Me:”And they are fine with it?”

He:”Ya. They told me do what you really want to do. But don’t tell this to anyone until I talk to subbu.”

I am not as surprised about his decision as I am surprised with his father’s approval to his decision. The night is as usual.

He got a dream and firm conviction of doing something on his own, quite rare among MBAs. He wants to make his career in the green/renewable energy. So his initial idea was to join MBA and start his own venture after that. Sometimes I found his dream little hazy and sometimes I though he will give up on his dream when comes the job placement and all. I haven’t told him, obviously. But he remained confident about it. During the period of 2 months in MBA, he thought it would be better if he got some more technical knowledge in the field he wanted to explore and decided to go for MS in UK.

Next day I felt little low…meeting him is kind of become sad incident on other day. Now he started staying at home. People kept asking us, we kept saying, “busy hai”. Finally after a week and a talk with subbu, he made his decision public. Some people were surprised, some were shocked and many were indifferent.

This is where our combined journey ends and individual journeys begin.

Looking forward for a day when he had accomplished the goal he had set for himself.

You may have guessed it right; the dude is none other than Abhishek Bapat

Best of luck, Dude.


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