Water-Cooler Fun

Today is a happy friendship day and what I thought is “ how can I make this special for my friends?” . What if I complete some uncompleted task that bring smile to all your faces. So here it comes..one more LOL story of college days. Aniket would connect better with one of the stories.

I don't really remember the time but it may be 3rr year, 6th sem. The events took place near water cooler of the comp science dept. which is situated on the ground floor near comp lab.

#1 Rise of the Fallen

We have one of those 3 hour long entertainment sessions (Lab) for some subject. I was coming from canteen after having Samosa after the break. Time maybe around 2 30 pm. I was with Vivek. As I entered ground floor lobby from the back gate of Electrical department, I spotted Aniket coming towards us. He was near JAVA lab at that time. So we started kind-of-cat-walk while we move towards each other.  (I have no idea …why catwalk?? Even Aniket won't have any.) So we went ahead with our moves. Finally we crossed each other near water cooler and burst into laughing at our silly act. Vivek was beside me whole the time and seeing all the drama with a little smile and little more surprise.

So after we cross each other, Aniket moved towards Water cooler. So I got that he came there to have water. So we (I and Vivek) moved ahead towards JAVA lab. Just after a second or two, we heard a loud “Bh######!!”

So we turned back and saw aniket half way inside the metal frame which is there to cover water cooler. And surprisingly there is no water cooler. So Aniket was about to fall inside it.

The next moment I realized that Aniket must be watching us while we move forward and then lean against the cooler as per daily routine. But there was some maintenance going on so the cooler is moved out. That resulted in Bharti’s (almost) free fall.

Vivek and I saw him struggling to come out of the little window in the metal frame. We can’t stop laughing at this. Vivek almost fell on the floor laughing. Ideally we should help him but it is so funny that we can’t stop laughing.

Finally he "rise to the Occasion" and managed to come out of it. For one moment he looked relieved and next moment he also burst into laughter.  On the top of it, HOD sir just came down the stairs and moved to his office while the whole scene was going on. This has increased the fun Quotient.  

 #2 Fall of the drinker

The next incident happen at the same place but the victim was someone else.

It’s 4th year. On that day, our class got over at 2 00 pm as it used to be. So we came down from the back staircase which lends besides the water cooler. The intention was to have some water and go for cheese puff (remember guys!!! The cheese puff. Don’t know how many of it we eat.).

Coming back to the story, one person is drinking water from the cooler. As we don’t have clean glasses @ water cooler, we used to lean towards the cooler and drink directly from tap using our hands. That guy was doing just that. So we can’t see his face. He was wearing some loose T-shirt, 2-3 year old Rugged Jeans which is hanging at his west and one can see his nickers. The hair was ruff. These were enough indications for us to judge the guy. DHAGASH.

Soham was there. He started kicking his ass (literally) while loudly saying: “Dhagi…dhagi”. Dhagash was from Mech department so it was quite often that Mech guys comes to this cooler to have water. Apart from soham, Aniket, Aditya, Vivek, pankil and some others were present there. So we also joined  and started spanking and irritating him with the chorus of “Dhagi …Dhagi…”

Either he was very thirsty or he was trying to prove that nobody could divulge him from the sacred act of having a mineral water. I am not sure which one of that is true but he had not moved even after all this nonsense we were doing with him.

Finally he stopped drinking and turned towards us. We were expecting some innovative abuses and some return kickbacks towards Soham. But nothing happened. Reason: He was NOT Dhagash.  He was some poor chap whom nobody knew but as there are 7-8 of us standing there, he might be scared and ran off.

For a moment everybody was surprised but the next moment we started laughing at our silly act. Nobody was able to control laughter and explain the situation to the guy before he ran off. And after that I haven't seen that guy anywhere near our department for the whole year.

Happy Friendship day Guys!!! Keep doing such things…


  1. Ha ha awesome, must say u r a deep observer.
    And that cannot be referred to as catwalk in any sense but if I did have to name it I would say Sotta walk :P

  2. Sotta walk....nice word to describe that act.....At the mention of sotta ... I remember our sir....
    Deep observer .:-) thank u

  3. wow .. college days .. kya awesome time tha bhai log .. n Sam as always "jhakaaaaas" post ...


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