
"Inside Out" fun

This is a story of 29 th June when I went to see the movie called “Inside out” with my office friends. It involves seven people: Mohit, Harish Darapu (whom we used to call Darapu), Arnab, Bhikhu, Ravi, Nitish & I. But the people who brought fun to this story are Darapu, Arnab & Bhikhu. Let me introduce Darapu. He is from Andhra Pradesh and his Hindi language vocab is understandably quite limited. I call him DJ Darapu for 2 reasons: 1) Both DJ and Darapu starts from D, so it kind-of fits & 2) He has a very good taste in Hindi songs. Yes, you read it correct “Hindi Songs”. Maybe he understands the beats. Well, let me clarify, he is really good when he plays songs on his computer, but when he sings…I remember one incident. When I, Nitish & Darapu were going  home on Nitish’s bike and Darapu started singing Hindi songs, Nitish offered him his monthly salary to stop singing. To be frank, I like his singing. It feels like you are listening to some international music

Water-Cooler Fun

Today is a happy friendship day and what I thought is “ how can I make this special for my friends?” . What if I complete some uncompleted task that bring smile to all your faces. So here it more LOL story of college days. Aniket would connect better with one of the stories. I don't really remember the time but it may be 3 rr year, 6 th sem. The events took place near water cooler of the comp science dept. which is situated on the ground floor near comp lab. #1 Rise of the Fallen We have one of those 3 hour long entertainment sessions (Lab) for some subject. I was coming from canteen after having Samosa after the break. Time maybe around 2 30 pm. I was with Vivek. As I entered ground floor lobby from the back gate of Electrical department, I spotted Aniket coming towards us. He was near JAVA lab at that time. So we started kind-of-cat-walk while we move towards each other.  (I have no idea …why catwalk?? Even Aniket won't have any.) So we went ahead wi

The dude who left his MBA

My first meeting with him was quite uncommon. He knocked on the door; I asked for his name and let him in. He told me to keep the door open because he was bringing all his belongings. After getting his belongings to room (which included one unassembled table fan..quite shocking), he just put a bed sheet on his bed and slept without any further discussion. I thought ‘he may be tired’. Later I found out that he came here after long journey of 1 hour in his comfortable car. So basically, he is from Pune, Maharashtra. We are students of SCMHRD, and the day I met him was the 0th day @ scmhrd i.e. a day before induction. Date was 30th May, 2012. As we didn’t know anyone out here, we used to roam around with roomies during and after induction for initial formalities. This is how the initial interaction and friendship begins. He is dude as I mentioned. Kind of ladies’ man. We knew each other just for 2 months but become great friends in short span. He was my Gym partner, someone wh

The new Triangle

What mom says about........(you will know later, read on)     I guess all parents start wondering about their sons getting ensnared by wily women from the day they catch them eyeing neighborhood moppets with that ‘Whoa, not bad at all!’ look in their eyes. Our brat wasn’t above reproach either: shyly, he’d admitted to ‘liking’ little Ms G, when he was all of eight. “Ha, ha! Puppy love!” we’d smiled indulgently and forgotten all about it.       After school, our son flew the nest a few years ago, first for studies and then for work. Thanks to magical instant connectivity, distances lost meaning. The child would be his usual chirpy self, calling us up every few hours…well, giving missed-calls every few hours. That meant putting on hold everything we were doing and rushing to call back. The chats would last till we remembered last month’s bill. Or till the smell of burning food made me disconnect in a hurry. But all of it vouched for the fact that no girl had entered his

The Yellow-T-Shirt Girl

Today I met one girl and that made me wish that such persons would always meet me at every situation in life… Today I was at AXIS bank to buy my broachers for CAT’11. Actually we (me , Anant and Aniket) went there together from T.I.M.E. class. As we heard that there was so much rush for buying broachers that some of my friends had to stand 3 hours in queue, so we went there as swiftly as possible. We entered the bank which, by the way, looked like any college’s fee collection window as there were so much youngster standing and the queue was extended up to the door with some forms in their hands. We entered into the bank and inquired for that form and got it from security guard. Then we went to end of the queue where a girl in yellow T-shirt is standing talking to her friend standing beside her. She is slender looking with small face and ponytail and has a nice smile. I and Anant went behind her to stand in queue. She took a look at me and noticed my unfilled for

Diary of a cricket widow

Note: This article is not written by me but I came across it while reading TOI Television is my rival in love and marriage IPL has turned many men into addicts      I became a   widow  at 22. My husband was alive and well and sitting right next to me,   munching on a packet of chips. But he did not respond to my voice and when I looked into his eyes, I saw a rectangular shape glittering   with tiny men dressed in white. The terrible   cricket  disease that he caught in his teens had taken him away from me in the   prime of his — and my—life.   First, it was just a mild attack of one-day matches, then came the more serious Test match fever and then the final blow was the dreaded IPL, which finally carried him off, leaving me bereft and alone. Though his body is still with me, his heart and soul belong to the   cricket  goddess. He eats, breathes and dreams   cricket . At night, when he cannot sleep he   counts the runs Sachin made in the last match. Our dau


  This is esoteric post only for Comp. Eng. Today I was having DMS (DataBase Management System) lab.  We were currently working on Oracle 9i made by oracle corporation. After the lab I went to parking as I was going to bunk all other lectures. In the parking, I saw Pawaskar Brothers.  If you don’t know them or saw them then let me describe them. They are twins, same height-body and look almost identical. Whenever I saw them, a question arose in my mind that how could someone distinguish them. But as none of them are my friend, I just put that question on back burner.         But today after looking those twins something came to my mind. Before I tell you what it was I wanted to ensure that the it was not made up afterwards but clicked at that particular moment  and it was the first thought in the queue of thoughts: “IS THAT ANY PRIMARY KEY WITH WHICH I DISTINGUISH THESE TWO….?” So from now on I am confident that, in the 3 rd year of computer engineering, finally I